Chiropractor Bendigo

Chiropractor Bendigo

As a Chiropractor in Bendigo it is very centrally located at the very start of Creek St.  Near the corner of Short and Creek St it is a stones throw from the café s in Bath lane in central Bendigo.

It has parking out the front or if you are bike minded a bike frame at the front to lock up your bike.

The location is ideal for people working in the Bendigo CBD, centrally located in Bendigo it can be easily located with a short stroll or close to the public transport hub on Mitchell St .

The Creeks St Chiropractic clinic is also home to Cameron Stewart from Stewart Podiatry and also nutritionist Jenny Johnston from Your food matters.

The practice in Bendigo is a sole practitioner practice, you will always be seeing John starr, who will take the time to assess your presentation and advise you on what maybe the correct course of action

As a Chiropractor treatment can include manipulation, soft tissue therapy, Flexion-distraction, postural and movement training.  Consultations are one on one and you can expect 30 minute consultations.

It takes time to diagnose, treat and recommend ways so that you can manage your own problems.